
Dot or Dash, who’s there?

Lakshmipat Singhania Academy, Kolkata in association with Get Set Learn and Premium Learning Partner TinkRworks, brings to you ROBOTRICKS – a two-day STEM fest and competition, celebrating the wonders of Morse coding and telegraphy – the OG pioneers of communication!

Students are invited to solve 4 Morse code puzzles during the Robotricks competition in the classroom, form a complete sentence, and submit their response here.

Robotrick Banner Image
Open to School

Open to schools and students from top schools in Kolkata, this two-day coding and telegraphy extravaganza promises a captivating platform for intellectual growth and collaborative learning. Get ready to geek out and make memories that last a lifetime!

What is Morse Coding?

Explore the history of human communication with programming. Students build a project that employs two methods of communication — a traditional wired telegraph and a modern-day wireless texting device that allows students to communicate with each other in the classroom through Morse Code.

Learning Objectives

Learning Outcomes

Please tell us if you were able to achieve the learning objectives planned as part of the Robotricks competition